GARTAL will provide accommodation for Ukrainian refugees

GARTAL will provide accommodation for Ukrainian refugees

Building new homes is the main business of GARTAL Group. Now we are connecting it with the help for those who currently need it the most - people who were forced to leave their homes. About a million people have already left Ukraine due to the unsafe situation, and some of them are heading to the Czech Republic. That is why over the weekend we started the first part of our help to Ukrainian refugees. We helped to open a temporary refugee shelter in Prague 8, which we equipped with furniture, refrigerators, washing machines, beds and other necessaries. The facility is equipped with almost 100 beds, which are intended for women and children who have no one in the Czech Republic. Many thanks to the employees, friends and all supporters who took part in the event and managed to get the most necessary equipment in a single weekend. We also appreciate the support of companies and individuals in our area, who value our efforts and bring food, clothing, blankets, drugstore products and other necessaries to our company. That is not the end of it. Next week we will provide additional emergency accommodation in our own building in Prague 10 with a capacity of about 200 beds. Those interested in cooperation can contact us by e-mail