How can i finance a property purchase with GARTAL? Is the loan collateralised in any way?

Through its time-tested partners, GARTAL offers you the possibility of arranging the most advantageous financing for your home. We will also take care of collecting all of the documents necessary and of all communication with the bank, a valuer, and the Land Register. Our long-term cooperation with our partners allows us to secure the most advantageous conditions for you.

The loan is collateralised with a lien, which is one of the most common forms of debt collateralisation for the benefit of the loan provider. A lien is established by an agreement and registered in the Land Register prior to the purchase agreement. If the account payable is not paid, the creditor may sell the pledged item, i.e., the real property, and satisfy its account receivable from the proceeds. A lien is not linked to a person but, rather, to a property, meaning that when the property is sold or transferred to a new owner, the lien passes to the new owner, provided that the creditor’s receivable and all accessories have not been settled.