What is required for successful registration in the land register?

Essential for successful registration in the Land Register is a written agreement on the basis of which the real property is transferred or passes to a third party. Aside from the said agreement (title transfer document), an application for registration must be completed, using the prescribed form (which is available at nv.cuzk.cz/Web/Uvod.aspx). An application may be submitted by any party to the property transfer agreement. By law, the Land Register Authority must wait for 20 days, during which registration cannot be made even if all background documents are in order. Only after the expiration of that statutory period can registration be made for the benefit of the person acquiring ownership of the property. Usually, the proceedings take one calendar month.

The buyer becomes the owner of the property upon the registration of his ownership in the Land Register, which is registered retroactively as at the date of the delivery of the application for registration to the Land Register Authority, with which the relevant ownership transfer document is enclosed.